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Single Review - Milo Gore - Jerry Can

Milo Gore, when researching into them, comes across more of a passion project then a band shambled together by people just wanting to perform for the sake of it. Their music hones in on an interesting mix of numerous genres, including Pop, Punk and Alt Rock and influences from many artists across the decades.

Jerry Can is the first single track off their debut album, How Do You Cope While Grieving For The Living?, set to be released later this year. No doubt further tracks will be released on the run up. In their own words:

""Jerry Can reflects the youths' cry for help. A cry for this earth. A cry for change. The chorus was inspired by an article about a man who was engaged to his terminally ill girlfriend, it read “How do you cope while grieving for the living?” To the band, it meant everything. Given these dark times, Jerry Can encapsulates the hope, passion and importance of change. ‘Let’s change the wrongs, let’s change the mistakes we’ve been making. We still have time.’""

Profound, one word that comes to mind when listening and reading the lyrics to Jerry Can. Their message is as they have said it themselves. We need to change the wrongs in the world, but how can we do that when we dwell on all of the wrongs?. I love this message and it's clear the band feel strongly about it too. From the start lead singer Milo reminisces, like most of us do, about when life was so much more simpler as a child idly dreaming of far away lands to escape to. A fun way to start the track and encourages you to in some way go back to that simpler time and shed the way of thinking that everything is fruitless and for nothing at all. It's positive encouragement at it's best form, entertaining and great sounding music.

The music itself sounds amazing. Lead singer Milo's attitude throughout resonates giving extra rocket-fuel to the bands message further emboldened by the backing vocals from Christina and the rest of the band. Milo Gore use the light and shade of the song to make it as if it is personal and are speaking direct to us, the listener before then seeming like they are shouting from the rooftops. Genius. The bands performance seems to accompany the vocals well and change between tempos which shows they are a tight-knit band who are so comfortable playing with each other and love doing what they do.

Overall, an amazing song chocka-block full of positive vibes and reassuring words. The message is profound and much needed at the moment in the world. A great offering from what will no doubt be an album full of equally profound messages and catchy anthems. I'll be pre-ordering my copy at first notice no doubt.

Check out the music video for Jerry Can below:

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